ERROR 404...wait, who's that little wizard?

"Hi! I'm currently working my magic to make my passion project, PENUMBRA, a reality.As of now, PENUMBRA is currently in development.HOWEVER, if you're interested in live updates, please click on the button below, thank you!"

2/1/24 - MAJOR UPDATE! SO Penumbra Development is on a bit of a pause as I'm ACTUALLY working to create a mythos comic that will establish some concepts seen in both PENUMBRA and CASCADES. The working title for the "Pre-Comic" is "THE SOWERS". Thank you sooo much for your patience!

12/30/23 - Hello! Was thinking about Dom's backstory and added a new character--Reina. She's Dom's friend and the one who tips off Dom about an apartment space available in the Big City! Hmmm...wonder who Dom has to live with? Anyways ;), enjoy the doodles!

12/29/23 - I'm back so soon? Yes. After some discussions with Sam (my main co-Author) and some thought, I think I'm going to shut down the idea of an Aria centered pre-comic for now. I think it's a better use of time if I just focus on PENUMBRA. Thanks for your patience!--N.MOV

12/28/23 - Good news! My cold's practically gone (just have a bit of leftover congestion), so I spent my night writing the one-shot. It's actually a LOT different than what I was working with yesterday--went from Aria's relationship with one of her mentors to just being a one-shot of a moment in her younger life. I wanted to steer away from exploring too much of Aria because I wanted to save that for PENUMBRA/CASCADES, so I'm keeping this comic relatively short. I'm so excited though! I'm going to be gathering my art refs for the storyboards and my next update will feature some concept art.--N.MOV

12/26/23 - My cold has gotten a lot better from where it started, so I wanted to focus on development again. I also changed Aria's major from Bio-Engineering to Neuroscience in order to make the connection to "M.I.N.D." (The Morales Institute of Neurological Development) evident and a lot stronger. As well, given how complex Aria is as a character, I'm planning on releasing a preliminary comic that will act as the primary catalyst for PENUMCADES, and for this reason, will be Aria-centric. This will probably be released sometime in the summer considering the fact that I have two professional practice courses this upcoming spring semester, so it'll give me time to experiment with comics and establish a feel for the PENUMCADES trilogy. I hope you are all excited! Fair warning, this comic will continue to be 18+/for mature audiences ONLY.--N.MOV.

12/25/23 - Merry Christmas! Welcome everyone!! I'm SO excited and happy that you're interested in PENUMBRA's development. PENUMBRA means SO much to me as it is my first official "go" at a comic. I've been developing PENUMBRA and CASCADES (its sister novel) for a good chunk of my life now (2016-Present), so for someone else to be as interested and passionate about my work means the WORLD to me. This site will serve as a BLOG for my thoughts, sketches, answers to Q&A's, etc. For now, please enjoy this Christmas doodle of the Big Three (Aria, Dom, and Riko). This was originally going to be a lot more detailed, but unfortunately I was struck with a cold and alas, could not finish it in time for Christmas...Anywhooo, enjoy!!~P.S. THE SITES ARE LARGELY FILLED WITH STOCK IMAGES; THEY'LL BE REPLACED IN DUE TIME. :)--N.MOV.